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Skin Treatments​ at TLC


At Territory Laser Clinic we specialise in skin treatments offering you the latest laser technology as well as new concepts in skin care.


We perform Laser Skin Rejuvenation, Laser Skin Resurfacing, Pulsed-Light Skin Rejuvention, Laser Tattoo Removal, Chemical Peels and Medi-Facials. We stock Aspect, Aspect Dr, Aspect Minerals and Aspect Sun; an Australian made and owned Cosmeceutical skin care range. We were the first clinic in the Territory using Aspect Cosmeceuticals. In addition, we source brands from the US such CosMedix, CosMedix Elite, Dermaquest, PCA Skin, SkinBetter Science, and Societe.  


Holly is a fully qualified Dermal Therapist, IPL/Laser Safety Officer and a Syneron Candela Laser Certified Practitioner. She is the only person in the Territory to have gained an Advanced Diploma of Cosmetic Dermal Science, and was the first Dermal Therapist in the N.T.  


For more information on the importance having a fully qualified Dermal Therapist looking after your skins needs click here

A skin treatment at Territory Laser Clinic starts with a thorough consultation where your skin type and skin condition is assessed in order to determine the correct treatment plan for you.  Our treatments are individually designed to dramatically improve your skins appearance, tone and texture.  The treatments combined with a cosmeceutical home care provide a simple but effective solution guaranteed to show results and assist your skin to reach its full potential.


What are some of the common skin conditions?


Common skin conditions that are treated at Territory Laser Clinic include:

  • Disorders of pigmentation such as freckles, solar lentigines, melasma, poikiloderma, and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

  • Photo damage which includes elastosis, solar keratosis and telangiectasia

  • Intrinsic ageing or changes due to the passing of time, classified as epidermal, dermal, subcutaneous and hormonal changes

  • Acne; adult and teenage

  • Rosacea


What are the appropriate treatments?

All skin conditions listed above can be treated using lasers, chemical skin peels and cosmeceutical grade skin care.  Sometimes the best improvements are seen using one approach only, other times a combination approach delivers the best results.  With all skin conditions it is mandatory that a personalised home care regime is followed.  On some occasions the Dermal Therapist will refer you to your Doctor to be diagnosed before treatments are administered.  This also allows the Dermal Therapist to work alongside the Doctor as they may prescribe oral or topical treatments.  


It's also important to understand that on-going maintenance of the skin ensures to keep the condition from returning.  For example, with pigmentation disorders, the client must commit to minimal sun exposure and tyrosinase inhibiting cosmecueticals to keep the pigment at bay.  With conditions such as melasma, if a maintenance program is not provided, the melasma will return 1 to 6 months after treatment.   

Why is it important to have a thorough skin assessment conducted by a Dermal Therapist?

In order to choose the correct dermal therapy for each patient, a proper skin assessment is absolutely essential.  This will increase treatment success and decrease adverse events such as hyperpigmentation.  The Dermal Therapist is a specialist in this area, and has specific ways of assessing the skin.  These include methods using a VISIA skin analysis system, woods lamp and a magnifying lamp, photography and the Fitzpatrick Scale.


One of the most important classifications of skin is known as the Fitzpatrick Scale.  This is a method in which skin is classified according to colour and its reaction to sun exposure.  It is commonly used in cosmetic medicine and dermal therapies.  It allows Doctors, Dermatologists, and Dermal Therapists to more accurately determine the skins response to light-based treatments such as laser and IPL, and ablative treatments such as chemical peels.

If your skin is not thoroughly assessed using all or some of these techniques during a skin consultation, you are putting yourself at risk of developing possible complications and adverse effects.

Click here to find out more about Laser Skin RejuvenationLaser Skin Resurfacing, Pulsed-Light Skin Rejuvenation, Laser Tattoo Removal, Chemical Peels and Medi-Facials. 

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Suite 28, 119 Reichardt Road

Winnellie NT 0820

(08) 8984 4110

0455 863 817











9.00 - 5.00pm

  9.00 - 6.30pm

  9.00 - 6.30pm

    9.00 - 5.00pm

​    8.00 - 1.00pm


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Copyright 2024  Territory Laser Clinic

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