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Permanent Hair Reduction


​Are you looking for the best option for permanent hair reduction?

Come to Territory Laser Clinic for safe and effective permanent hair reduction.  Achieve smooth, beautiful skin, free of unwanted hair.  


Laser hair reduction at Territory Laser Clinic is fast, safe, effective and affordable.  At Territory Laser Clinic we use the Candela GentleMax Pro medical grade laser.  Holly and Stephanie are Darwin's only fully qualified Dermal TherapistsSyneron Candela Laser Certified Practitioners and IPL/Laser Safety Officers who specialise in laser treatments. They are the only people in the Northern Territory to have gained an Advanced Diploma of Cosmetic Dermal Science, and Holly was the first Dermal Therapist in the Territory.  Click here to read more about Holly's qualifications.  Click here to watch a GentleMax Pro video...and see the difference!

Why does Territory Laser Clinic use Candela lasers?

The Candela GentleMax Pro is the best hair reduction laser on the market. 


It is a dual purpose laser and is known as the industry's premier laser for removing hair, epidermal pigmented lesions, and vascular anomalies from leg and facial veins to hemangiomas, as well as reducing wrinkles.  It's faster than any other laser and has advanced features that continue to deliver superior results.  The advanced technology and improved capabilities of GentleMax Pro make it the laser of choice for precise, non-invasive treatments. 


This laser is used worldwide and Territory Laser Clinic was the first clinic in the Northern Territory to own and operate Candela Lasers.  In addition, Holly and Stephanie are both Syneron Candela Laser Certified Practitioner.  I can absolutely guarantee you will be amazed by the fast results​ you see.

How does laser hair reduction work?​

Melanin in the hair shaft absorbs light energy which then becomes heat energy; so the hair must be heated to approximately 70 degrees to cause protein denaturing.  Heat radiates from the hair shaft to surrounding follicular cells, causing cell death of some of all of these hair producing cells.  This is known as 'selective photothermolysis' of the hair follicle.  The hair follicle is then unable to grow a hair or produces a slow growing hair, lighter in colour and small in diameter.  

What are the categories of unwanted hair?

  1. Hypertrichosis is an increase in hair growth which is not male hormone dependent and may occur with certain medications or diseases.

  2. ​Hirsutism is an increase in terminal hair growth on androgenic (male hormone) dependent areas (upper lip, chin, sideburns) due mainly to excess androgenic hormones.  The most common cause is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

  3. Hair bearing flaps are used in surgical reconstruction which can result in the presence of hair in usual areas.

  4. Social/cultural norms where society often dictates where men and women should and shouldn't have hair.


What is Hirsutism?

Hirsutism is an excessive rate of hair growth affecting women in areas of the face and/or body that are a distinct 'male' pattern of hair growth.  These 'male' pattern hair growth areas are located in hormone dependent areas such as the neck, sideburns, upper lip and chin. Understandably this can be quite distressing to females.  Common causes of Hirsutism include Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Cushing's Syndrome, Adrenal virilism and hormonal imbalances.


Is laser a suitable treatment for Hirsutism?

Clinical studies of a 'hirsute' research group have confirmed the long-term efficacy of laser treatments.  Although the client consultation will address issues such as skin type, hair colour, pigmentation and anatomical site, it is important to confirm any underlying health issues that may be contributing to an unusual hair growth pattern.  The client should be referred to a G.P. or endocrinologist to establish is there is a systemic or intrinsic health factor involved.  


It is important to note that if hirsutism is identified, the hormone activity will continue to influence the outcome and efficacy of laser treatments, both with or without the use of corrective medication.  In order to provide the best treatment outcome, the Dermal Therapist should explain the relationship between the client's hormonal condition and her treatment outcome.  A blended treatment plan including laser treatments, medical intervention and topical applications may offer the best outcome for the client. 

How do I achieve effective permanent hair reduction?

The effectiveness of each laser hair reduction session is dependent on factors such as hair colour, skin type, fluence (energy) and hair cycle. I will explain each of these factors to you.

Hair containing more melanin (colour) will absorb more energy thus resulting in more effective treatment outcome in less number of treatment sessions.  Black to dark brown hairs equals the best results, brown to light brown hair achieves good results, whilst blonde and red hair gain minimal to no results, with grey and white hair achieving no results.

In relation to skin type, the lighter the skin and the darker the hair, the better the treatment outcome as there is a greater contrast between the target and the surrounding tissues.

Treatment fluence or energy must be adequate to cause permanent damage to follicular cells so they must be heated to approximately 70 degrees.  If this does not occur it may equal in only temporary hair reduction which is referred to as photo waxing.


In relation to hair cycle, hair grows in 3 distinct phases, a growing phase (anagen) followed by a transition phase (catagen) followed by a resting phase (telogen).  It is because of these three phases that laser treatment does not remove all hair in one session.  Only hair in the anagen phase will respond to laser treatments.  At any given time, a certain percentage of hair will be in the anagen, telogen and catagen phase and this varies on each region of the body.

What is the treatment process?

As with all dermal therapies, the consultation is essential to provide a desirable outcome for both patient and therapist.  During a consultation the Dermal Therapist should assess skin type and hair colour, discuss contraindications, discuss how treatment works, estimate the number of treatment sessions, discuss side effects of treatment and potential complications, advise the costs, a consent form must be signed and then any test patches can be performed.   

During the consultation, the Dermal Therapist will also ask a number of questions to determine a candidates suitability for treatment.  It is important to postpone a treatment when a candidate presents with recent unprotected sun exposure, tanned skin, fake tan, waxed, epilated or tweezed hair in the treatment area, known photo-sensitizing reaction and open lesions and cuts.  Other factors affecting treatment outcome will need to be taken into consideration.  These include Hirsutism, puberty, oral contraceptive pill, menopause and pregnancy.  Lastly, the Dermal Therapist needs to inform the patient how to look after their skin post treatment. 


Click here to see Laser Hair Reduction before and afters or to watch a laser hair reduction procedure.


​Defining the term 'Permanent Hair Reduction'

It is very important to define the term 'permanent hair reduction'. 


For advertising and marketing purposes sometimes you will see the word 'removal' instead of 'reduction' being used.  The word 'removal' may imply to consumers that ALL hair will be permanently removed, however this is not usually the case as approximately 20% of the hair will remain or grow back in the future especially when you consider variables such as technique, hair colour, skin colour and future hormonal changes. 


So due to the word 'removal' potentially being misleading to consumers the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) has asked therapists and doctors to use 'reduction' instead.

IPL versus laser for permanent hair reduction...what's the difference?​​

Lasers and IPLs are both 'light based' treatments however they have different light characteristics.  IPLs deliver a broad spectrum of light made up of many different wavelengths, whereas laser emits only one wavelength of light.  Some lasers may only be able to be used for one purpose such as hair reduction; whereas IPLs are multi-functional in that one machine can treat surface blood vessels, benign pigmented lesions and permanently reduce hair.  Lasers can treat these conditions and more but usually require you to own more than one machine which can be very costly to the clinic owner.  Lasers have many applications in medicine and health care (not just cosmetic).

There is always some controversy about whether laser or IPL is more effective at permanent hair reduction.  Generally speaking those who use laser will say lasers are better and those who use IPL will say IPLs are better however this is just anecdotal evidence.  Studies confirm that both achieve similar efficacy.  


The question you have to ask yourself is not which technology is better, but what qualification/s does the operator have.  This is also very important when considering the price paid for a treatment.  I always say "You're not just buying a're buying expertise."  When it comes to these treatments it is very important to ensure you are being treated by a fully qualified practitioner.

Who can use IPLs in Australia?


Absolutely anyone who can afford one at present, and there is usually minimal training given and without any assessment provided by the distributors. However ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) are currently writing draft standards for the use of IPLs.  Once standards have been established, it is then up to each state and territory to interpret and regulate them.  This process can take many years to come about.


Recently I conversed with Tina Viney the CEO of APAN (Aesthetics Practitioners Advisory Network) and Miranda Batten the Senior Program Development Officer of the Environmental Health Branch of Department of Health NT.  Currently the Territory is drafting their own set of guidelines which are intended to be an interim measure until there are national regulations of lasers and IPLs used for cosmetic purposes. Tina advised that if national legislation is passed this will override any state laws. 


Until the Territory has its own guidelines and fact sheets, it is basically left up to the client to pick and choose who they go to.  Whilst this industry remains unregulated, clients who make the wrong choice put themselves at risk time and time again.  


In July 2015, the draft guidelines for operating IPL and laser for beauty and cosmetic purposes released by ARPANSA were open for public comment. Of course I submitted my comments on the draft guidelines and the industry is now awaiting the outcome.  


Holly currently sits on a national committee focused on bringing in industry regulations to better protect and service clients.

What about laser licensing and registration?

A practice/clinic who has a class 3B or 4 laser on site (in QLD, WA or TAS only) must be registered for the laser.  This includes doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, beauty and dermal therapists.  The practice/clinic must have a nominated qualified Laser Safety Officer.  The operator of the registered laser must hold a licence to operate and/or to supervise laser operations.  


Laser regulation differs in each state of Australia also.  For example, in NSW, SA and VIC non-physicians (beauty therapists) can operate non-ablative lasers such as hair removal and skin rejuvenation lasers. WA has recently allowed allowed non-physicians to operate lass 3B or 4 lasers.


NSW, SA, VIC, ACT AND NT DO NOT CURRENTLY REGULATE LASERS OR IPLS, ALLOWING ANYONE TO OWN AND OPERATE THEM. To avoid complications, always ask what qualifications your therapist has before commencing any treatment.  Such qualifications should also be on display in the clinic.  Rest assured Holly and Stephanie are Darwin's only college degree qualified Dermal Therapists, IPL/Laser Safety Officers and Syneron Candela Laser Certified Practitioners.

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Suite 28, 119 Reichardt Road

Winnellie NT 0820

(08) 8984 4110

0455 863 817











9.00 - 5.00pm

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Copyright 2024  Territory Laser Clinic

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